Huron County Sheriff’s Office – Staff Directory

Todd Corbin –

Chief Deputy
Dave Ditz –

Jail Administrator
Major Chuck Summers –

Jail Lieutenant
Lt. Donn Timko –

Road Patrol Administrative Supervisor
Lt. Bill Duncan –

Road Patrol & Communications Supervisor
Lt. Ted Evans –

Chief Financial Officer
Shawn Newton –

HCSO is proud to maintain compliance with the Ohio Collaborative. Ohio has been determinedly working to improve community-police relations and find solutions to the tensions and concerns between community members and the police that serve them. As part of maintaining compliance the Huron County Sheriff’s Office welcomes feedback from the citizens of Huron County, the public and partnering agencies we interact with. Positive and negative feedback may be made to any supervisor pursuant to HCSO policy. Formal complaints must be made in writing and signed pursuant to HCSO policy. The Sheriff’s Office strives to maintain transparency and to be responsive and accountable in mutual best interest of all.